Modern Football is Broken - Picture Thread

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Yeh - we had it beat out of us due to the hooliganism, if you break any laws while on your way or from a football game see the difference in jail time.

Everything is on Camera and every person is linked to their seat so any "wrong doing" in the ground and you can kiss your £1000 season ticket goodbye.

Just go down a league or two and fans will be the same as over your side as they need the matchgoing fans onside. PL will treat you like a bitch because they know there are plenty more mugs to sell to.
I get trying to reduce the violence, we've had that here too and going to football nowadays is in nothing compared to the 80's and early nineties but in the PL they seem to take it one step further. Even celebrating, standing or just voicing an opinion can get you ejected - that's ridiculous. Be strict on violence but by all means let the emotion in the game, we even get fireworks from the club, get safe standing all over, work together with the club for tifo's, drums and so on. The clubs get that football is passion and try to create a family safe atmosphere combined with the intense emotions that football should provoke in the fans.
It is pretty unsportsmanlike behaviour though. It’s amusing but I wouldn’t want one of our players to do it
I've been playing football for +40yrs, don't think I've ever walked off the pitch without being called a cunt or calling someone else a cunt (I've exaggerated there as I don't remember saying/doing any gestures when I was 5 but you get the drift). The higher the level I played the worse the level abuse. TV camera's pompous and self righteous punditry have killed off much of the outwardly visible sledging (hand gestures), which I think is a massive shame. We now have to go through the biggest pantomime in sport with shaking your opponents had before the game, what a pile of old wank that is, especially when you have been physicing yourself and your team mates up for hours, if not even days before the game only to wish your opponent well, fuck off with that.

I've played in many a team that have lost the game before we even kicked a ball because the team was intimidated and shat themselves. We'll never know the circumstances behind that picture of Shelvey, may be he did it because of the tackle that he put in on his teammate Yedlin, maybe he hates French people, maybe Cabaye was on the wind up all afternoon. Either way it's a passionate reaction to something, which I never want to see leave the game.

I applaud players who also are deadpan, never react or retaliate to things too, this mirrors life in general a team is made up of many characters all bringing their own worth to the game, be that positive or negative. Just hate seeing the game diluted to a bland nothingness.

My guess is though he's bond with the Newcastle fans this morning is stronger not weaker for doing it, as is with our players over the years.

Jump to 1:35 and our treatment of Roy Keane: being "unsportsmanlike" won us the FA Cup in 91, should we hand back the trophy because of unsportsmanlike behaviour? Or should we applaud our lads for getting inside the head of one of their young stars of the time?
I get trying to reduce the violence, we've had that here too and going to football nowadays is in nothing compared to the 80's and early nineties but in the PL they seem to take it one step further. Even celebrating, standing or just voicing an opinion can get you ejected - that's ridiculous. Be strict on violence but by all means let the emotion in the game, we even get fireworks from the club, get safe standing all over, work together with the club for tifo's, drums and so on. The clubs get that football is passion and try to create a family safe atmosphere combined with the intense emotions that football should provoke in the fans.

How big is your season ticket waiting list and/or out of town support (and % of revenue TV money). Your freedom to be passionate tends to be inversely related to this in the PL.
How big is your season ticket waiting list and/or out of town support (and % of revenue TV money). Your freedom to be passionate tends to be inversely related to this in the PL.
In general i tend to agree, for my hometeam Gent this isn't the case, we have about 40k people wanting ST and only 19 k available. But most of the support comes directly from the town or regions around the town. But good point, was thinking about that myself, if demand is higher than supply in general the supplier doesn't give a rats ass about his client. There are however exceptions, as most german teams will prove to invest heavily in the fan experience and keeping the entrance fees at an acceptable level if if their demand is also skyrocketing. But in fairness, apart from the Germans and the odd club left and right, most aren't that fan friendly.

In general i tend to agree, for my hometeam Gent this isn't the case, we have about 40k people wanting ST and only 19 k available. But most of the support comes directly from the town or regions around the town. But good point, was thinking about that myself, if demand is higher than supply in general the supplier doesn't give a rats ass about his client. There are however exceptions, as most german teams will prove to invest heavily in the fan experience and keeping the entrance fees at an acceptable level if if their demand is also skyrocketing. But in fairness, apart from the Germans and the odd club left and right, most aren't that fan friendly.

German clubs largely hasve the 50+1 rule which I think may have something to do with it. Also as a society they do not allow the levels of surveillance as we do.
I've been playing football for +40yrs, don't think I've ever walked off the pitch without being called a cunt or calling someone else a cunt (I've exaggerated there as I don't remember saying/doing any gestures when I was 5 but you get the drift). The higher the level I played the worse the level abuse. TV camera's pompous and self righteous punditry have killed off much of the outwardly visible sledging (hand gestures), which I think is a massive shame. We now have to go through the biggest pantomime in sport with shaking your opponents had before the game, what a pile of old wank that is, especially when you have been physicing yourself and your team mates up for hours, if not even days before the game only to wish your opponent well, fuck off with that.

I've played in many a team that have lost the game before we even kicked a ball because the team was intimidated and shat themselves. We'll never know the circumstances behind that picture of Shelvey, may be he did it because of the tackle that he put in on his teammate Yedlin, maybe he hates French people, maybe Cabaye was on the wind up all afternoon. Either way it's a passionate reaction to something, which I never want to see leave the game.

I applaud players who also are deadpan, never react or retaliate to things too, this mirrors life in general a team is made up of many characters all bringing their own worth to the game, be that positive or negative. Just hate seeing the game diluted to a bland nothingness.

My guess is though he's bond with the Newcastle fans this morning is stronger not weaker for doing it, as is with our players over the years.

Jump to 1:35 and our treatment of Roy Keane: being "unsportsmanlike" won us the FA Cup in 91, should we hand back the trophy because of unsportsmanlike behaviour? Or should we applaud our lads for getting inside the head of one of their young stars of the time?

Totally agree with that.

I did not play football to any decent standard as I had no ability! But playing rugby I wanted to get out there and rip the opposition to shreds, batter them and intimidate them, they thought the same. At the final whistle it was then time for handshakes.

Now we have the teams in football walking out, handshakes all round, what a load of crap, much preferred it when the teams came out separately and ran to warm up to their end.

I recall getting railed with adebayor, can't recall if it was city or Woolwich we were playing and there he is in the tunnel giving high fives and clowning around with the opposition players, what an unprofessional dick head was my first thought.
hahahaha fucking English steward, fucking pansies the lot of you - this happens over here and everyone jumps in and lets the lad escape. You lot have been whipped so badly it's sad. And it's not that we are 'ard and all that, it's just that there still is some form of rebellion and togetherness over the pond. It's all about taking the risk to be ejected as a group in stead of being scared to be ejected. Every time i see football in England it surprised and amost disgusts me how little right of movement/speech and so on there is left. And everyone just accepts it and keeps paying the price, munching the pies etc
I don't think it's so much the risk of being ejected as the risk of being banned. And I would not put it past them banning 20-30 bods who run onto the pitch to let the lad escape, it's more than possible.

The other problem is the demographics. It would be unusual to have 20-30 lads right next to the pitch. Because the away support is made up of all sorts of people, some of whom are not the sort to run on the pitch. Especially true when a team is doing well.

But I would actually say your post is a little hard on the English, because there is still togetherness in these situations. Last year at Fulham after the final whistle, a young lad ran on the pitch (properly pitch invaded not like the Burnley fan) and was manhandled by stewards in a really over the top and needlessly brutal way, and a lot of Spurs stepped in. More than anything I'd say the Burnley lot are too busy celebrating to notice what is happening.
Totally agree with that.

I did not play football to any decent standard as I had no ability! But playing rugby I wanted to get out there and rip the opposition to shreds, batter them and intimidate them, they thought the same. At the final whistle it was then time for handshakes.

Now we have the teams in football walking out, handshakes all round, what a load of crap, much preferred it when the teams came out separately and ran to warm up to their end.

I recall getting railed with adebayor, can't recall if it was city or Woolwich we were playing and there he is in the tunnel giving high fives and clowning around with the opposition players, what an unprofessional dick head was my first thought.
I like your post because I can see your point of view but I never played like that. I was the dirty one who gave you a handshake and an i’m terribly sorry whilst stomping on your toes and elbowing you in the kidney at corners
I've been playing football for +40yrs, don't think I've ever walked off the pitch without being called a cunt or calling someone else a cunt (I've exaggerated there as I don't remember saying/doing any gestures when I was 5 but you get the drift). The higher the level I played the worse the level abuse. TV camera's pompous and self righteous punditry have killed off much of the outwardly visible sledging (hand gestures), which I think is a massive shame. We now have to go through the biggest pantomime in sport with shaking your opponents had before the game, what a pile of old wank that is, especially when you have been physicing yourself and your team mates up for hours, if not even days before the game only to wish your opponent well, fuck off with that.

I've played in many a team that have lost the game before we even kicked a ball because the team was intimidated and shat themselves. We'll never know the circumstances behind that picture of Shelvey, may be he did it because of the tackle that he put in on his teammate Yedlin, maybe he hates French people, maybe Cabaye was on the wind up all afternoon. Either way it's a passionate reaction to something, which I never want to see leave the game.

I applaud players who also are deadpan, never react or retaliate to things too, this mirrors life in general a team is made up of many characters all bringing their own worth to the game, be that positive or negative. Just hate seeing the game diluted to a bland nothingness.

My guess is though he's bond with the Newcastle fans this morning is stronger not weaker for doing it, as is with our players over the years.

Jump to 1:35 and our treatment of Roy Keane: being "unsportsmanlike" won us the FA Cup in 91, should we hand back the trophy because of unsportsmanlike behaviour? Or should we applaud our lads for getting inside the head of one of their young stars of the time?

I once got booked for smoking on the pitch. Had a team mate nick named "the anus". I played in goal, and once spent the last 20 minutes calling the opposition 9 a cunt cos he missed a sitter. At the top of my voice. I applaud anything resembling a lack of sportsman ship, except spitting.
I once got booked for smoking on the pitch. Had a team mate nick named "the anus". I played in goal, and once spent the last 20 minutes calling the opposition 9 a cunt cos he missed a sitter. At the top of my voice. I applaud anything resembling a lack of sportsman ship, except spitting.

Funny how most of us will take a kick in the face, nuts and head whatever over being gobbed at. Funny old game.
These comments on Redcafe:pochfacepalm:

[Chelsea] at least 'deserve' a new stadium, they've brought trophies back to Stamford Bridge and kind of earned the step-up.

Smaller teams like Spuds or West Ham going to new stadiums without actually winning anything feels really weird to me.
Why do people give a sh1t about some faux sense of 'Earned success'.

Chelsea earned their success.
City have earned theirs.

It amazes me that so called fans can have absolutely no idea about football yet still choose to talk absolute bollocks. How is using an owner's ill-gotten wealth the same as running a proper business and spending the money you actually earn?

And how does trophy haul correlate to a need for a new stadium? It's almost like they have no understanding of the concept of loyalty and supporting your club because you love it.

These attitudes are everything I hate about modern fans.
These comments on Redcafe:pochfacepalm:

It amazes me that so called fans can have absolutely no idea about football yet still choose to talk absolute bollocks. How is using an owner's ill-gotten wealth the same as running a proper business and spending the money you actually earn?

And how does trophy haul correlate to a need for a new stadium? It's almost like they have no understanding of the concept of loyalty and supporting your club because you love it.

These attitudes are everything I hate about modern fans.

You've got to realise though that most United fans support them off the back of the fact they're successful and can probably count on one hand the amount of times they've been to Old Trafford. Their interest in football is based purely around chasing success so they can't comprehend how someone can have an interest in football if you're not aiming to win the league at any cost (even if that is because you're financially doped)
These comments on Redcafe:pochfacepalm:

It amazes me that so called fans can have absolutely no idea about football yet still choose to talk absolute bollocks. How is using an owner's ill-gotten wealth the same as running a proper business and spending the money you actually earn?

And how does trophy haul correlate to a need for a new stadium? It's almost like they have no understanding of the concept of loyalty and supporting your club because you love it.

These attitudes are everything I hate about modern fans.
As Steed suggested, almost certainly the view of some div from hundreds of miles from Manchester who's never been to a game of football in their life. Their proper lot despise City and Chelsea and very few would have that opinion.
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